Welcome to the Flitterati
Do you ever feel love-bombed by choice? The agonizing daily decision-making dilemmas from choosing from menus to which of the 26 varieties of mayonnaise to choose from. It’s a wonder there aren’t more folk curled up in a foetal position on the floor of the deli aisle.
The world of infinite possibilities are but a mouse click away and never before has so many options available to the human race.
It’s no wonder procrastination is the new pandemic.
Do you, like me, crave simplicity? Choice is supposed to give us freedom yet somehow it seems to have blindsided us with confusion, stress and unlimited options. One can’t help but have a sort of Hitchcockian sense of creeping paranoia about making the “right” choices in life.
This demands leaving the door open, waiting, avoiding, weighing things up “just in case” and you don’t want to limit yourself, or rule anything out or close a door on choice – so best to stay put for a while and think it over; not make any hasty decisions. After all there’s no rush and besides a clear road hasn’t suggested itself yet. Sound familiar?
Are you one of those people who just can’t make their minds up? Should you stay or should you go? Should you date or dump? Why do you always want what someone else has ordered?
Of course you want to chase your bliss. But what exactly is it? Is it a year out so you can help in orphanages in Africa or work in an orangutan sanctuary? Do you fancy dropping it all to become a yoga teacher or travel blogger?
If it helps you are not alone.
Welcome to the Flitteratti
- You answer questions – “Yes. No…” but don’t realise you do it.
- You always think there is something better round the corner so don’t commit to the present.
- You half finish or abandon courses, writing projects, keep fit classes, diets etc.
- You find it very stressful to make a decision from anything from a night out to a career move
- Travel always seems the best way out
- You go round and round in circles a lot. Friends are bored of hearing your “broken record
- You wait for Fate to deal with situations rather than make a decision yourself. Then when you do you complain about what’s happened.
- You get anxious about making the wrong decision
- Perfectionism is a bit too important
- You’re often exhausted by your indecision and neurotic thoughts
- You “leave the door open” on relationships in case someone better comes along
- In the end you do nothing
If several of these observations are resonating then you’ll know all too well how difficult it is being you sometimes. How you wish for clarity amid the chaotic choices out there. You are not alone. An advertisement for Samsung phones a while ago dictated “Impatience is a virtue” as crowds of young folk, mindlessly run from one amazing thing to next with an attention span of a goldfish. A waterfall or sunset, a party or downpour in Cuba. Who cares? What’s next? Nothing registering, nothing meaningful. Nothing matters.

Committing To Your Life – How scary is that?
With so many incredible choices out there of course it is important to chose the right path and deal with the consequences. But when you are crippled by procrastination and indecision you may find that life passes you by as you ponder away the years.
You are not alone. I have coached scores of people young and not so who are beginning to find some relief in not doing everything and committing to something at last.
Here are a few coaching questions to help the Flitter-minded settle on a path of purpose and passion:
- What would your life look and feel like if you fully committed to something?
- What would you have to believe in to do that?
- If you don’t make the decision what do you expect to happen?
- What might you regret about not committing yourself?
- Finishing this sentence – “Being responsible means.”
Searching for happiness or lassoing your passion is often the backbone to coaching sessions. This is great when the coach is guiding you through the process of goal setting and coming up with strategies to get you to your destination.
I have many more coaching tools to help those stuck in Flitteration. Why not book that trial session with me now?