Autumn term starts Saturday 28th September 2024 (Early Bird: £2,995 until 2nd of September, then £3,240 thereafter).
Autumn term starts Saturday 28th September 2024 (Early Bird: £2,995 until 2nd of September, then £3,240 thereafter).
  • Life coaching success stories

    Graduate Testimonials

Becoming a life coach

Feedback from our graduates.

Melissa Neckar.

Melissa Neckar

I trained with Carole Ann and it was such a great learning experience. Carole Ann is a total pro and shares her experience generously and productively.

As a former teacher, I recognised and appreciated the preparation that went into each well-structured session. She brought in a range of speakers and approached coaching from various interesting angles. She and her colleague Julie listened to each of us with great care and offered super advice and guidance.

I recommend her and the Pure Coaching Academy wholeheartedly! 

Alex Duffy

12 months ago I hadn’t even really heard of a life coach but after starting my self discovery journey at the start of the year and working with a pure coaching academy life coach I found I had discovered my new passion and vocation to follow. As a qualified nurse I found that life coaching would be a good path with my training I already had. This life coaching course I knew would put me on the right start to my new chose career.

Carole Ann has helped me to develop my coaching skills and what was brilliant is that it was right from week one of the course! Being set up with my buddy coach helped my confidence to grow each week along with our weekly catch ups on a Wednesday evening and of course are all day Saturday sessions.

The homework set was always achievable even as I was working part time, a mum of a toddler and 8 months pregnant whilst doing the course. The support from Carole Ann and Julie throughout the course was so helpful and all the notes provided easy to follow to underpin our training.

I also love the supportive group I worked with and I have made both supportive colleagues and lovely new friends including my buddy coach! The support from the group is also an invaluable part of the course!!!

Thank you to Carole Ann and the pure coaching class of autumn 2022 for giving me the confidence to believe in myself and go after my new dream!!! I have also learnt life long skills I will pass onto my children to help support them in their future too!!!

Floss Andrews.

Flora Andrews

I chose the Pure Coaching Academy as it offered not only the basis for being a life coach and the tools but most importantly it had an emphasis on how to get your business going.

I have not been disappointed. The course is really rich in content, and is delivered in a way that makes you experience it at the same time. So you feel ready to coach, and like you have been coached at the same time. Having a buddy on the course to coach (and be coached by) from week 1 is invaluable and is a practical way to try out the tools we were given. I also feel I now have a brilliant insight into how to get my business up and running, manage it, promote it and make good money doing it.

The course I attended was online, but I really don’t feel that I missed out.

I feel a huge connection to both the coaches, Carole Ann and Julie, and also to the other people on the course. We are all so different and want to do really different things with our coaching, yet share something special which is having done this course. I am grateful that I now have a ready-made network of amazing peers to share, consult and laugh (and cry!) with.

The 8 week course has gone by so fast, and I’m sad it’s finished as I have really enjoyed every minute. But I do feel ready to get out there and get going. Thank you Pure Coaching Academy, it has been amazing. For anyone who is thinking of booking a course, do not let this one go. You won’t regret it!

Avril Matthews

I wanted to thank you and Julie for an amazing course – it was life changing for me. I’ve come away with a framework of knowledge that I can immediately start a business with but also the outline of how much more I could learn and how I could upskill over the next few years, which really excites me. Never said that about CPD before! I feel very motivated and I’ve not felt that for a such long time. Bring on business number 3 for me!

You deliver the content in such a clever and classy way and you & Julie are a brilliant team.

I wasn’t sure what to expect with such a large class but you made it feel so personal and achievable from week one when we started coaching each other. And all the business building knowledge is just invaluable.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you. I will be forever grateful that you started your academy!

Helen Gray

Pure Coaching academy has given me the opportunity and confidence to change my career and live a life of travel whilst being a certified lifestyle coach.

It covers all the coaching issues you are likely to experience from limiting beliefs to self sabotage.

Carole Ann and Julie Brown are experts in these fields and are successful coaches themselves. On the course they share their own personal experiences too.

It is a practical course, rich in content and has a hands on approach to coaching. There is no greater way to learn than getting stuck in! You are given all the coaching tools and strategies to practice and the coaches/your peers are there to help every step of the way!

The online course gave me the flexibility to learn from home around all other commitments and everyone went at their own pace.

Since graduating, I have kept in touch with the other coaches on fortnightly zoom calls, emails, Facebook and even in person.

This course not only changes our clients lives but our own. I have found my tribe.

Jill Jackson

I have had the most amazing 8 weeks, being with so many like minded people.
I thought I had figured it all out, however, I had a lot to learn, about myself, my business and the direction I wanted to take.

Carole Ann and Julie were both terrific and, I felt settled and an important part of the group from the start.

I loved every minute of the 8 weeks, and was very sad to see it all come to an end.
A lot of ground was covered, and the lessons were put together very well, with plenty of time for questions. As a group, we worked together really well, and the break out sessions allowed for great input.

I have my business well on track now, I know where I am heading, and can only thank the guidance and support I received from Carole Ann and Julie.
I can honestly recommend this course, it was a great investment I made and you will too.

Leonora Gast

Working with Carole Ann and joining the Pure Coaching Academy has been incredibly wonderful! Carole Ann is so generous and supportive, and made the journey of becoming a Life Coach as fun as possible, whilst giving us all the tools and advice we needed from all her years of experience. She created a safe space, full of inspiration and love. I couldn’t have imagined a better way to become a Life Coach, and am very grateful to have had the chance to join her program.

Helen Tovey.

Helen Tovey

I signed up for the Pure Coaching Academy course to brush up my coaching skills and as a route to accreditation – I got those things (well, maybe not the accreditation just yet as I’m still building up my hours) and a whole heap more! It’s been a most amazing journey of introspection and personal growth; I feel immensely well equipped to be a life coach; I’ve learnt an enormous amount; it was a lot more practical in nature than I was expecting; and I’ve made some great friends and contacts. If it seems like a lot of money, be assured that it’s well worth it – most definitely a real investment in yourself and your future.

Kate Coughtrie

I had been thinking about undertaking this course for a couple of years but Covid 19 pushed me to sign up and I did not regret it.

The course was provided online with excellent course notes and sessions provided by Carole Ann and Julie. The addition of guest speakers made the course inspiring and innovative with the added bonus on focussing on how to build your business as a life coach.

I am now working towards my accreditation and still keep in contact with the other lovely coaches on the course as well as my buddy coach.

Don’t hesitate to sign up for this course as it is truly amazing and has changed my life.

Alina Grossman

It has been fabulous to work with, and learn from, all of the wonderful people at Pure Coaching Academy – teachers and students alike. I can’t remember the last time I loved learning as much as this, nor a time I’ve learnt so much about myself over such a short period – the course has been a positively and intensely immersive and eye-opening experience.

Many thanks to Carole Ann & Julie for their never-ending wisdom, nurturing and generosity, and truly bringing the magic to the big screen. Admittedly, I was a bit nervous of death by zoom when we started, but every session has been so engaging and I think it’s a bit of an art for our teachers to have facilitated the creation of this safe, positive atmosphere and super supportive community without any of the students meeting in person.

And thank you to each and every individual in my cohort for showing up and being so authentic and open – I’ve been fascinated hearing people’s life stories, inspired watching the growth in people’s courage and confidence, and energised sharing people’s successes. The synergy of the group has really been felt and I value how it’s helped us ride the waves and excel as part of our learning experience.

I’m writing this at the end of the course, sad that it’s over, but thinking how brilliant it is that this is only the start of our journey and so much in our lives has already changed for the better in just 8 weeks. I really believe everyone in my cohort is going to go on to do amazing things inside and outside of coaching, and I look forward to staying part of the Pure Coaching community and proving to ourselves that will happen.

Shirley Kennett.
Ex Police Officer

Shirley Kennett

When I signed up for the coaching academy, I really didn’t know, what I was letting myself in for. I really had no idea what to expect.

I was apprehensive because of COIVID 19 (lockdown) was all going to be online. Within the first session Carole Ann completely out my concerns at ease. She was warm, easy to listen to and a true professional. Carole Ann continuously challenged me to push and believe in myself. The confidence she gave me, meant that before the course was even finished, I had started charging clients for group coaching and 121 sessions.

The course content is excellent and the support Carole Ann offered me throughout, has been worth every penny spent. I would highly recommend Carole Ann’s training and I am happy to talk to anybody who is wondering, if it’s the right thing for them to do.

My advice would be don’t hesitate, just do it and I promise you, if you fully commit to it, you won’t regret it.

Lorna & Lauren Valcin

Lorna Valcin

I have thoroughly enjoyed the journey of the Pure Coaching Academy and graduating as a life coach.

I knew 7 years ago that I needed a change from my career in law; that there was something missing that would ignite my passion and in changing the way that I worked actually somehow changed the way I dealt with my clients. I recognised that what was missing from the rather rigid manner of private practice was the human element that I love. I found I was life-coaching my clients without realising it.

Attending the course then cemented my view of what I wanted to do and there is no looking back! I feel fully equipped now to continue this journey in my own business with all of the tools that were made available to me on the course.

I have learned as much about myself as I have learned about life-coaching on this course and so I say thank you Carole Ann and Julie Brown!

Creative Coach and Founding Editor of Motherdom

Anna Ceesay

I loved studying with the Pure Coaching Academy as the course is practical, hands on and no-nonsense. Carole Ann and Julie are brilliant course leaders who give actionable advice and guidance on how to become a world-class life coach.

From the beginning we were given the opportunity to practise coaching with a classmate, and we were also trained in the business side of things as well. Many other courses are only theoretical and don’t factor in that you’ll need to know how to get started in the real world! I highly recommend this course to anyone thinking of training as a life coach.

It’s worth every single penny and is one of the best investments I’ve made in my career.

Karen McGinn.

Karen McGinn

I have just graduated as a Life Coach from the Pure Coaching Academy with Carole Ann. Because of the current situation, the whole course was delivered online. Whilst, it would have been lovely to all be in a room together, the online experience worked well and had added benefits, the main one for me, no travelling to London. It was great, to just be able to switch on the computer and go. The technology all worked well and I feel that we all got to know each other really well.

The whole course was informative, innovative and inspiring, with various guest speakers and lots of exercises. Carole Ann and Julie were both incredibly supportive, helpful and generous with their knowledge. The follow up notes and information were brilliant and a resource I will treasure and keep referring to. Right from the beginning we were encouraged to start practice coaching and were paired with a ‘Buddy Coach’ (a fellow student on the course). This was invaluable for me and gave me the courage to start coaching practice with more people, which was actively encouraged and which I really enjoyed.

The other great thing for me about the course was all the information about developing your brand and marketing your business, which is absolutely necessary if you want to run a successful business.

I am now working towards my accreditation with the IAPC&M, made easier by the fact that The Pure Coaching Academy is an accredited training provider.

I would definitely recommend this course to anyone wanting to become a successful Life Coach.

Ed Lamba

I could not recommend this course highly enough. Not only is the subject matter inspiring and engaging, but the course is geared towards helping you set up an abundant practice on every level.

Lydia McDowall

The Pure Coaching Academy course has been a truly fantastic experience. I have learnt so much in the eight weeks, not just about coaching but also about myself. It’s been a real journey. From day one we were given the courage, confidence and support to act as coaches. The group bonded really well and has formed a community that has extended past the end of the course and will no doubt go on long into the future. It’s so reassuring to know that you’re not just left on your own after course completion and to know you have the support of your peers.

Training delivery was very relaxed and well structured, informative and inclusive with a good mix of activities and homework. The homework gave an insight into what it is we would ask of our clients and it was useful to experience that. The fact that we also learnt how to make a successful business out of coaching was an added benefit. The course notes were excellent and a great resource to substitute learning with, as were the mid-week tele classes where everyone could touch base, re-group and keep the momentum going.

I found this course exceeded my expectations and I’m so glad I made the decision to do it when I did. I started out thinking that life coaching was a career I’d pursue one day way into the future, but this course has given me the knowledge and confidence to know that I am ready to do it now. Thank you so much Carol Ann, Lou and Suzanne.

Michelle Reeves

Michelle Reeves

I particularly enjoyed learning from Carole-Ann, and Carole B, two successful coaches who have literally ‘been there and done that’; the experiential learning which was the main reason I chose this course; the chance to coach real clients to put into practice what we were learning and meeting a wonderful group of like-minded, fellow coaches who I will remain friends with for a long, long time I’m sure!

One of the reasons that I chose the course was this style of learning without an emphasis on academic papers or reports. Coaching is, I believe, a skill that needs to be experienced as well as practiced and this was a major part of the course. I personally had a major realisation about my mindset and the impact this was having on my business as a result of the coaching I had within the course.

As an existing coach with a small practice it was important for me to choose a course with a successful coach that would inspire and guide me not only to improve my skills but to also build my business. Carole-Ann and the Pure Coaching Academy delivered all this and more, with the perfect blend of experiential learning, practical exercises, homework and ‘in the moment’ group coaching. My fellow coaches and I became a mini support network for each other through each part of the course, and I know that those relationships will continue into the future. This is practical, world-class coach training that will enable you to not only start coaching straight away, but to truly experience coaching as it happens and show you how to build a sustainable business from a place of authenticity based on your personal values and aspirations. I loved every minute of the course including my personal ‘aha’ moments – thank you so much Carole-Ann!

Michelle Thole

I’m proud to be a part of the Pure Coaching Academy alumni and I have met lifelong friends in the process. Thanks to Carole Ann and Lou for your energy, knowledge and passion.


Dr Marina Lambrou

The Pure Coaching Academy is truly life changing. I came to the course to learn new skills and also, to work on myself in the process of becoming a life coach. I can honestly say that I did both. The course is transformational and helped me to find clarity and direction for my future. I also met some wonderful people – other classmates – who together with Carol Ann and Lou Hamilton, provided ongoing support throughout.

Simply Self Innovation

Verity Smith

I would like to thank the Pure Coaching Academy for helping me to find the confidence and self-belief that I can pursue my dreams and what I have always felt I was born to do. The experiential learning is worth every penny, plus the knowledge and skills I have developed over the 8 weeks were far more than I expected. I came from a place of knowing a lot of theory behind coaching but this course taught me to apply this in practice. I have now launched my coaching practice with paying satisfied clients due to being on this course. Thank you so much again.

Karen Campbell

After reaching a crossroads in my life, I looked to coaching and signed up on Carole Ann’s Pure Coaching Academy to learn how to be a life coach. The course was above and beyond what I imagined. Carole Ann’s friendly and accessible manner and approach brought to life the fantastic coaching practices we were learning through open and honest sharing and learning resulting in a very close-knit group encouraging each other in their journeys.

The scope of the course was wide, covering the key areas needed to forge our own coaching paths with each topic explored in good time and detail, all supported by easy to understand and engaging topic notes as well as a mid-week group call.

For me, the course has opened up a new chapter in my life which I am very much enjoying exploring and having the constant support and encouragement from Carole Ann and Lou has made my transition into being a life coach a less scary one. The course can be life changing and eye opening which, for me, I will be ever grateful for.

Proud Housewife and a Life Coach

Rula Naidoo

To call my experience at PCA an amazing journey would be an understatement, it was a birth to the most healing chapter of my life.

Gloria Jensen

Carole Ann’s life coach training enables you to be a successful coach not only with your clients but also regarding setting up your business. This combination is rare! You will feel confident and empowered as a coach but also as a person. Thus this course is a personal journey and a gift for your self too! I valued the experiential approach of the training. From the very first day, Carole Ann challenged my mindset asking us to dream big and dare to make the first steps towards this dream. She helps you grow in a way you could not have imagined!

Nathalie Sullivan

Choosing Carole Ann’s training has been one of the best decisions and investment I made. After lots of investigations and comparisons with other trainings, I realised the Pure Coaching Academy offered everything I was after: a practical short intensive course at the weekend, within a small group of like minded people, with a module on spirituality, weekly group video calls, and much more! I highly recommend this course. You will be leaving the course with a spring in your step, personal growth, and determination to reach your goal!

Kay Booth

The experiential way of learning works really well. Informative, energy boosting and life enhancing – it will benefit you as an individual as well as a life coach! It’s been so beneficial sharing everyone’s experiences.

Terry Silvers

Warm, friendly and supportive and provided me with time to self reflect.

Justyna Rybska

The coaching notes are absolutely brilliant! I loved the sharing part of the class – it really pushed up my boundaries.  The subjects were explored in depth and the values exercise was exceptional.

Kate Davies

I loved listening to the experiences of the professional coaches. All the subjects were beautifully discussed in depth. The follow up notes really consolidated my learning and will act as a fabulous resource for the future.


Thank you for this amazing experience and I am glad that I am one of the first graduate from a school of thought which is “pure”. I have very much enjoyed every session as well and I will really miss those Saturdays. If you, right there, read these sentences? It means it is already calling you just need to go with it, with an open mind and heart!

Suzanne Parseley

An excellent course that I would recommend to others – I’ve loved every minute. I really enjoyed the interaction with my fellow trainee coaches and exploring the world of coaching. The trainers provided me with windows into other worlds that I had not come across before.

Suzanne Hala

The teleclasses were massively useful. I’ve learned how to turn a passion into a career. Fascinating people, thought provoking, inspirational and reassuring. The PCA coaching manual will be my bible for my future as a life coach. I am excited and expectant for the future.

This is your moment.

Take the first step towards changing your life.
Our next course starts on Saturday 28th September 2024.

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  • “Carole Ann is a total pro and shares her experience generously and productively. As a former teacher, I recognised and appreciated the preparation that went into each well-structured session. I recommend her and the Pure Coaching Academy wholeheartedly!”

    Melissa Neckar

  • “I finally feel confident to spread my wings and fly!!! Thank you so much Pure Coaching Academy and Carole Ann! I am so glad I’ve chosen your academy and trust me, I did my research!”

    Monika Braglewicz

  • “An incomparable bonus, especially for an introvert with otherwise poor networking skills, was the introduction to a group of 20 or so like-minded fellow prospective coaches, the kindest and most supportive of people, whose magnanimity and friendship I will always cherish.”

    Roger Clifton

  • “A truly transformational course!”

    Nathan Ripley

  • “The whole course was brilliant, I learnt so much, I felt supported, I met the most incredible human beings and the best thing was having the course online”

    Emma Wood

  • “The content I’ve learned from this course has been invaluable. I went in unsure if 8 weeks were enough to make me a “real” life coach but I left feeling so confident and ready for business.”

    Ellie Romaine

  • “Amazing experience. Self-discovery with real feedback. I am proud to be a graduate of this academy and would recommend it.”

    AJ O

  • “Undertaking training at The Pure Coaching Academy was a fantastic decision. Carole-Ann is truly inspiring and the weeks just flew by.”

    Mary Mullarkey

  • “The course was excellent with a very varied and intellectually stimulating programme, including amongst others a session dedicated to spirituality with which I was able to identify enormously.”

    Simon Buck

  • “You learn so much about yourself while at the same time learning to help others. If you are looking for an accredited coaching course I can’t recommend it enough.”

    Amanda James

  • “The course is really rich in content, and is delivered in a way that makes you experience it at the same time.”

    Floss Andrews

  • “This course and Carole Ann have provided a platform and a safe space in which for me to gain clarity, evolve and be equipped with the skills to be a truly great coach.”

    Georgie G

  • “Not only did this course provide all the necessary tools/techniques (plus more) to become a coach, but it also gave me the boost in confidence I needed to progress.”

    Rhishai Mais

  • “Not only do you learn the skills of coaching, but also the skills needed to run a successful business. You get to practice coaching in a safe space with wonderfully supportive feedback.”

    Julie Brown

  • “I started the course with a wish to one day in the distant future become a life coach – I finished the course determined and confident of making that dream happen as quickly as possible such was the increase in my confidence.”

    Ryan Edwards

  • “You begin coaching and are coached from week 1, which bolsters your learning and builds your confidence.”

    Lorraine Gammack

  • “If you are looking for a short-term but effective life coaching training course, Pure Coaching Academy is definitely your number one choice.”

    G Chi

  • “DREAM COACHING COURSE. I could not recommend this course enough. Carole Ann and Julie delivered the content in such an interactive, engaging and inspiring way.”

    Katie Hardaker

  • “I knew I wanted to complete a coaching qualification but also knew that I learn best from practicing as I go. Pure Coaching Academy was the only course that I could find where you coach from Day 1.”

    Emma C

  • “If you are looking for a Life Coaching course to take, this is the one for you! I am so grateful for Pure Coaching Academy!”

    Lisa Heacock

  • “If the courses you’ve found on offer so far leave you a bit cold, or worse still ‘too salesy’ and lack substance, trust me look no further than PURE. From day 1 you will be experiencing world class coaching.”

    Jude Arnup

  • “This course is worth it, teaches you so much and makes sure you are ready in all aspects! ”

    Elissa Cia

  • “I couldn’t be happier with the content rich course, the group of people I’ve met and the growth I’ve achieved in such a short space of time.”

    Nathan Ripley

  • “Such a supportive community spirit and I really enjoyed the great buddy coaching relationship that was built”

    Lydia McDowall

    Project Co-Ordinator (museums)
  • “The backup notes were incredible and I will be using them when I start my coaching practice”

    Juliette Dyke

  • “I loved the freestyle coaching approach that is not dependent on a model”

    Salome Payn

    Project Manager
  • “I now have team meetings where I coach my distributors overcome fear, procrastination and to set real goals”

    Jose Rihan

    Utility Warehouse agent
  • “The notes were very comprehensive and great back up refresher – clearly written and well presented”

    Lydia McDowall

    Project Co-Ordinator (museums)
  • “What I loved was the varied content, inspirational teaching and practice and the amazing, empowering journey”

    Karen Campbell

    Marketing Manager
  • “The notes were well thought through and I always felt like an expert after reading them”

    Salome Payn

    Project Manager
  • “The Pure Coaching Manual was excellent and substantial”

    Jose Rihan

    Utility Warehouse agent
  • “We covered more than I expected and it was never boring – every week was worthwhile”

    Natalie Watkins

    Landscape Architect, Milan
  • “I hope to have a healthy coaching practice within the year”

    Natalie Watkins

    Landscape Architect, Milan
  • “The buddy coaching was a great way to learn”

    Jose Rihan

    Utility Warehouse agent
  • “I loved getting to know my fellow coaches”

    Juliette Dyke

  • “If you’re looking for a hands-on, intensive coaching course with a friendly group and based on real life experiences, this course is for you!”

    Juliette Dyke

  • “This course will stretch you out of your comfort zone and transform you to be the person you were meant to be. Be ready to be transformed from good to amazing. To Carole and her team I will be eternally grateful”

    Salome Payn

    Project Manager
  • “The coaching notes were written brilliantly and easily understood”

    Karen Campbell

    Marketing Manager
  • “The PCA course provides a powerful collection of tools for dealing the present and defining the future. A unique opportunity to find community and help in a truly open and non-judgmental environment”

    Lee Mollins

    Data Analysis Director – Financial Services
  • “It was surprising to have real clients to join us to coach and was a great way to put into practice what we learned”

    Lydia McDowall

    Project Co-Ordinator (museums)
  • “There was more ‘real’ coaching client practice than I expected – which was great”

    Juliette Dyke

  • “Outstanding course content, structure and format. Carole Ann and Lou are very generous in sharing their knowledge and expertise”

    Jose Rihan

    Utility Warehouse agent
  • “This is the course you need to be on. It’s totally real!”

    Natalie Watkins

    Landscape Architect, Milan
  • “I really enjoyed the openness and personal sharing, we practised on ‘live’ clients and the notes really covered the modules properly.”

    Lee Mollins

    Data Analysis Director – Financial Services
  • “The notes were just brilliant! It was great to focus on the course and not have to make tons of notes as they were very clear, useful and I actually looked forward to reading them when they arrived each week”

    Natalie Watkins

    Landscape Architect, Milan
  • “I enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere and delivery, though it was structured and directed too”

    Lydia McDowall

    Project Co-Ordinator (museums)
  • “This course was challenging, insightful, brilliant – it covers all the topics you need to start running a successful practice. I loved every minute. Carole Ann’s background in business and journalism added extra expertise”

    Natalie Watkins

    Landscape Architect, Milan
  • “It was experiential but it also had structure”

    Natalie Watkins

    Landscape Architect, Milan

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